Tuesday 23 June 2009

What is the difference between an internet user and a television user??

*°•oº[What is the difference between internet users and television viewers?]ºo•°*

Internet users are more interactive compared to television users as the interent offers more interactions for the user such as: social networking, listening to music, researching, etc. whereas on the other hand the T.V. limits to what extent you can interact. Also another advantage of using the internt is that you can do things simultaneously, for example researching as well as listening to music. however the internet also has its draw backs as access to certain websites such as porn does not have strong security control on who is accessing it also a percentage of people passively accept the information they get on the internet and don't even question it. The T.V. provides family orientation as it has its own unique sense of socialising with the family which the internet tends to break. However the TV also allows restricted viewers to watch programmes which are not suited to them as not all young viewers are encouraged not to watch TV after the watershed.

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